Laguna College of Art + Design BFA Candidates in Drawing + Painting
under the Mentorship of Kenny Harris
March 28-31, 2024
Gabrielle Anievas
Journeying into the realm of inner emotions personified, my art unveils grotesquely beautiful female forms. I aim to provoke introspection, challenging viewers to reevaluate their perceptions of both emotions and the female figure.
@kryptkittenn |
Piper Bangs
This quote by Renoir has always made me laugh: “my goal in painting the nude is to paint them as beautiful fruit.” I began a series wanting to paint my own “beautiful fruit,” so I created the recurring pear characters in this painting. I pose them as what I think of as still life parodies of European art historical nudes, and in this painting, I wanted the pears to be bacchantes participating in a bacchanal.
Kyra Beal
Kyra Beal expresses serenity through dynamic figures, designs, and compositions. She captures moments of calm and solitude in her colorful works.
Rylee Cook
The main focus of my work mostly deals with representing the figure, whether in drawing or painting, color or the lack of. In my recent work, I focus on portraying my close friends in a way that captures their unique energies. Through these works, I aim to convey the essence of who they are, inviting the viewer to feel a connection with them.
@ryleecookart |
Emma Crespo
My original thesis plan was to paint the figure with intense high chroma color, but when I created my first mouth cut out, My Mouth in Red and Blue, it started an obsession that I could not stop, overtaking all of my other thesis work. I decided to use this passion to make a body of work of the mouths of the people close to me, using bright colors and strange objects to give each of these mouths a story of their own.
Lauren Duplissey
As I paint, I feel God guiding my hand and infusing my work with His presence. I strive to minimize myself in my art, and yield to the Spirit of Jesus, allowing Him to work through me. These paintings are not my own, but a collaboration between God and I.
Anna Eisen
Anna Eisen is an Oil Painter and Mixed-Media artist who uses unconventional compositions on panels and vibrant colors to create a whimsical world within the realm of natural science and the concept of mortality. Bridging the gap between fear and the unknown, she plans to continue this idea into interactive installation work in the future.
@annaseisen_art |
Annie Louise Goldman
My work explores biblical and kabbalistic themes through a personal midrash. Animals perform manifold functions in the paintings; monkeys are pre-expulsion from Eden humans, cats and people undergo spiritual metamorphosis on a journey to talk to God, and a whale's digestive tract breaks down and reconstructs language itself.
Chase Heindel
As an artist, I focus on capturing feelings and emotions based off of uncommon words through expression and body language. Each piece invites viewers to ponder a question of the feelings the subjects in the work are reflecting. Through my creative process, I am on a journey of discovering and exploring uncommon words drawing inspiration for my work.
Carly Isabel
Literature holds a unique power to articulate my thoughts and emotions when I struggle to express them myself. Each of my painting's processes is influenced by a piece of writing, facilitated by a simple sketch with minimal composition changes, and a direct painting application. Alongside literature, the concepts and effects of light derived from nature holds as a strong visual element in my work. I find that the beauty of reading a painting is its ability to evoke multiple, personal narratives.
Amber Jodoin
The Tandem series was my way of exploring the transformation in my identity I experienced after developing chronic illnesses. As illnesses worsened, the lines between my regular and medical life blurred and the two became inseparable. The thoughts and imagery that accumulated in my mind over this period are the basis for this body of work.
@amberjodoinart |
Rachel Joy
Artistic imagery provides a safe space to convey emotion and to evoke and explore feelings. My goal is to create art that brings important topics, such as women’s issues, to light in order to help others heal the way that art has helped me to heal.
Julianna Lazio
My goal as an artist is to evoke an emotional response in viewers through the use of expressive figures and intimate details of daily life. I have a deep love of fabric in all its forms and the many ways in which we use it, so therefore I venture to incorporate it in as many compositions as I can. Through my process of building up layers and integrating evocative figures and fabric into my work I hope to allow a viewer to connect with the piece and resonate with the emotions they find there.
Xochitl Leal-Bailon
Chicana artist whose body of work depicts other chicana women in whimsical settings to showcase their beauty and Mexican culture.
@xochitllealart |
Rafael Mejia
I strive to create works that evoke a feeling of harmony and balance. My work explores the intersection of the past and present of my Mexican-American heritage, weaving together personal history with broader cultural influences. Using my own symbolism drawn from my memories of rural Mexico, I aim to transport viewers to a place of nostalgia, offering a moment of respite from our rapidly changing world.
Kat O'Brien
In this body of work, I am examining the past and present representations of Cowgirls. My artwork features bright colors, sparkles, and girlish motifs that help communicate my personal perspective, supported by classic western imagery.
@katobriendoesthings |
Arely Sojo
As an artist, I explore purity amidst life's complexities, delving into cultural and religious depictions of this theme. My style blends minimalist backgrounds with bold, vibrant figures or objects, creating a dynamic contrast. Using acrylics for abstract backgrounds, oil paints for vivid colors and rendered areas. I aim to evoke contemplation on purity and human experience.
@arely.sojo |
Isabella Stockbridge
I have always enjoyed listening to stories, whether it be silly gossip, epic Greek myths, random poetry my brother sends me, or history documentaries on people I knew nothing about just 40 minutes prior, I was always ready to hear it all. It is a fascinating world that unites the author and the audience so interconnectedly and impactfully. Using these preconceived stories I wanted to reinvent them and create something new, and connect them to a life that is surrounding what it means to be a 21st century girl. Helping me, and those around me, feel an even greater connection to these stories that I have grown to love hearing and feel tethered to those in the world around us.
@isabellastockbridgeart |